Photos by Jonathan Koshi
Photo from Public Bikes
Track fundraising progress on the leaderboard!
Fundraising Overview
The Supermarket Street Sweep is a cycling event, but we have another way for you to participate — without a bike! Fundraise and win in our Dollars for Dinners competition.
1 in 4 residents in SF and Marin are is at risk of hunger and the sub-populations especially vulnerable to food insecurity include seniors and adults with disabilities, children and families, and people who are homeless. The SF-Marin Food Bank provides 140,000 people with food each week. They also advocate for policy reform and program improvements, do CalFresh outreach, provide nutrition education, home-deliver groceries for seniors and people with disabilities, and so much more.
Every $1 you donate can help the SF-Marin Food Bank provide 2 meals.
Fundraising FAQ
What’s the cut off for the fundraising competition?
If you are participating in the fundraising competition, the total amount recorded by 4:00PM on race day will be counted toward your team’s ranking.
Are donations tax deductible?
Those who make a financial contribution through the fundraising website will receive an acknowledgement letter with the tax ID information emailed to them (or mailed if they write a check).
For food donations (food purchased by riders during the Sweep) – the SFMFB can provide a letter with their tax ID, and riders can submit that letter and any receipts for tax purposes.
Wait, the SMSW organizers are fundraising. Do they get prizes?
We are raising money for the food bank but we are not participating in the competition for prizes.